The New Kid

I have to share this with someone. Someone who does not attend my school. Okay. So the story goes it was the first day of freshman year for me in high school, meaning orientation for us freshmen. Orientation was being held in the rather roomy auditorium of the high. I had walked in and found a seat next to another student. After everybody was seated, chosen upper classmen and staff explained to us some boring nonsense that I didn't care enough to listen to at the time. I had pretty much spaced out up to the point where I was handed a pile of note cards, to take one and pass them to the next person. So I did just that and awaited further instruction from the speakers. We were then told to write our names on the cards as well as three facts about us. I quickly started to scribble down my name when I got a sharp jab in my rib. I looked up to find that the source of this was the elbow of the kid sitting next to me. I stared at him for a moment and scanned his rather unusual appearance. He wore the hood of his navy hoodie up, but I was still able to observe his pasty white face. He had large black bags beneath his yellowish eyes. It seemed as if he hadn't slept in years, or bathed for that matter. His dark brown hair and scruffy goatee were dirty and greasy, not to mention his raggedy clothes as well. His appearance just took me for a second before I regained focus on the slight pain in my side. It turns out that the guy just needed to borrow a pencil. Being the kind person I am, I gladly grabbed him a pencil from my bag. It had been one of my pencils that my friend had cruedly etched my initials into. I handed them the pencil, he thanked me, and we both continued on with the orientation without another word. I don't know what it was, but as I sat next to him finishing the activity, I just had an uneasy feeling. I just brushed it off and carried on. After the freshman were finished with the whole note card thing, it turned out that three hours had already passed and we were excused and allowed to leave. I turned to the left side of my desk where I had placed my bag. It was then that I remembered about the pencil I had lent the kid next to me. I quickly turned around to find out that he had already left. It was no big deal really, I mean, it was just a pencil after all. I had gathered the rest of my items into my bag and stood out of my seat. I was extremely startled when I heard a blood curdling scream come from outside the supposedly sound proof doors. I sprinted through the doors to find a crowd hogging up the hallway. I pushed my way through the crowd of the awestruck audience to see what they were looking at. I shouldn't have been so excited. I felt like I was going to hurl. There, laying in the middle of the crowd of curious freshmen was a lifeless body of another student surounded by a mote of his own blood which was flowing from his eye socket. It was silent for a quick moment. It took me awhile, but I noticed something in particular about the scene. Sticking out of the deceased students eye was a pencil...with my initials carved into it.